Version: 9.99.99 - Last Overflow: Sunday, May 18, 2008, 13:14:15
This is all about VFP-related (and non-related) nonsense
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code...
Project Management
The following series is a brilliant example of different point of views of a Visual FoxPro Project.Figure #1: What the customer explained
Figure #2: What the project manager understood
Figure #3: How the analyst conceptualised it
Figure #4: What the programmer coded
Figure #5: What the consultant defined
Figure #6: How the project was documented
Figure #7: What was installed
Figure #8: What was charged to the client's account
Figure #9: How it was maintained
Figure #10: What the client could really have used...
good one! looks familiar...