Version: 01.50.00 - last Update: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 11:55:00
_EdOpenFil | _EdCloseFi | _EdSelect | _EdIndent | _EdInsert | _EdSendKey | _EdDelete | _EdComment
Foxtools Editor Support Functions
_EdRevert() Discard all changes made to the file since last save in the editor session passed in <nWHANDL>.
_EdRevert() Saves all changes made to the file since last save in the editor session passed in <nWHANDL>.
VFP Syntax
= _EdRevert(nWHAND)
[in] nWHAND
Fox-window handle of the editor session in question. If nWHANDL is no valid editor-session handle, an error “API call caused an exception” (Error 2028) is raised.
VOID - no evaluable return value, coz always TRUE.
Note: _EdRevert() does NOT work properly! Instead of reverting all changes, all changes are SAVED without displaying any dialog!! VFP’s Library Construction Kit states that there is another function called _EDSAVE() which isn’t included in foxtools.fll
In reality, the opposite seems to be true: there is no _EDREVERT() functionality in foxtools.fll, but _EDSAVE() is called internally, instead!
VFP Example(s)
Trying to revert changes:
*\\ SAVES(!!) all changes instead of reverting them!!!