Version: 01.10.10 - last Update: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 12:55:00
_EdGetChar | _EdGetLNum | _EdGetLPos | _EdGetPos | _EdGetStr | _EdPosInVi
Foxtools Editor Support Functions
_EdSkipLin() Calculates offset position (@BOL) relative to another offset moving <nLineCount> lines up or down in the editor session passed in <nWHAND> parameter.
VFP Syntax
nPosition = _EdSkipLin(nWHAND, nOffset, nLineCount)
[in] nWHAND
Fox-window handle of the editor session in question. If nWHANDL is no valid editor-session handle, an error “API call caused an exception” (Error 2028) is raised.
[in] nOffset
Offset position counted from beginning of the file. The <nOffset> value is zero-based. CRs @ EOL are counted as well.
[in] nLineCount
New offset position is <nLineCount> lines up or down from <nOffset> position depending on sign of <nOffset> value. Line numbering is zero-based, too!
Numeric – the new offset position of BOL of new target line.
When calling the _EdSkipLin() function, the following workflow is started:
- The line number of the line that holds <nOffset> position is calculated.
- The new position is moved up or down <nLineCount> lines.
- The new offset position is set to the begin of the target line (BOL).
- This position is returned from the function.
If <nLineCount> exceeds max lines, EOF position is returned.
VFP Example(s)
Opening an editor session, setting caret to offset 10, then moving caret 3 lines down:
*\\ Open editor session nWHAND =_EDOPENFIL("TEST.TXT", 1) *\\ Set caret to BOL of line 3 = EdSetPos(m.nWHAND, _EdSkipLin(m.nWHAND, 0, 2))