Foxtools – Editor _EDUNDOON

Version: 01.10.10 - last Update: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 13:05:00

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Foxtools Editor Support Functions


_EdUndoOn() Creates a group of undo-/redo-able actions in the editor session window passed in <nWHAND> parameter.

VFP Syntax

= _EdUndoOn(nWHAND, lOpenClose)


[in] nWHAND

Fox-window handle of the editor session in question. If nWHANDL is no valid editor-session handle, an error “API call caused an exception” (Error 2028) is raised.

[in] lOpenClose

Controls the grouping: TRUE opens a new group, FALSE closes the (last opened) group


VOID - no evaluable return value, coz always TRUE.


With _EdUndoOn() one can group an arbitrary set of editor actions. Groups cannot be nested.


Every editor action, either interactive or programmatic is pushed on an internal action-stack which has a typical FIFO (first in, first out) layout. _EdUndo() pops the last action from that action-stack, reverts the action’s outcome in the editor’s text buffer and then pushes the action on a second undo-stack which has the same FIFO layout. _EdRedo() reverts this process by popping the last action from that undo-stack, re-applies its outcome to the text buffer and then pushes the action back on the action-stack again.

_EdUndoON(wh, .T.) creates some kind of basket (or envelop) holding multiple actions that gets pushed on the action-stack when _EdUndoON(wh, .F.)  or _EdUndo() is called. Internally the group-container is handled like a single action while being pushed and popped on and from the stacks. The only difference is, that more than on action has to be applied/reverted to the editor’s text buffer in case of a group.

VFP Example(s)

Opening an editor session, activating multiple undo-grouping, finally issuing some _EdUndo()s and _EdRedo()s to roll the whole sequence back and forth:

*\\ Open text editor session
lcText = "1.) This is a single line inserted without undo-grouping"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "2.) Another single line inserted without undo-grouping"+CHR(13) 
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "3.) After this line 1st undo-group will be created"+CHR(13) 
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
*\\ Create undo-group ----------------------
lcText = "4a) Line inserted while 1st undo-grouping is active"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "4b) Line inserted while 1st undo-grouping is active"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "4c) After this line 1st undo-group will be closed"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
*\\ Close undo-group ----------------------
*\\ Create another undo-group ----------------------
lcText = "5a) Line inserted while 2nd undo-grouping is active"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "5b) Line inserted while 2nd undo-grouping is active"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "5c) After this line 2nd undo-group will be closed"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
*\\ Close undo-group ----------------------
lcText = "6.) This is a single line inserted without undo-grouping"+CHR(13)
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
lcText = "7.) This is the last line inserted without undo-grouping" + CHR(13) + ;
	 "     What do you think - how many times we have to call "  + CHR(13) + ;
	 "     EdUndo() to clear the editor session completely?"
= _EDINSERT(m.nWHAND, m.lcText, LEN(m.lcText))
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (1)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (2)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (3)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (4)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (5)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (6)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to UNDO changes (7)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (1)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (2)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (3)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (4)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (5)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (6)"
WAIT WINDOW "Press any key to REDO changes (7)"

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