Version: 1.01.01 - last Update: Monday, September 28, 2008, 23:10:00
This is a useful tool your may want to add to your toolbox
Use this helper to create nicely formatted structure information of your tables (see figure #1). The tool uses TABs for column layout which makes it a perfect fit for Copy&Paste your documentation to Excel or Word.
Figure #1: One Key-Press Formatted Table Structure
Check out the comments in the code below for more details!
LPARAMETERS tcTableAlias, tcDestination LOCAL lcProg AS STRING lcProg = SYS(16) SET PROCEDURE TO (m.lcProg) ADDITIVE ON KEY LABEL F12 DO &lcProg ******************************************************* * * (C)2002: * Version 1.2b * * Struct2Txt.prg * * Generates a text stream * (like DISPLAY STRUCTURE TO FILE does) and * copies it into the windows clipboard. * Columns are TAB delimited! Very handy for pasting * the text into (Excel or Winword) tables which * require tab delimited data by default! * * Parameters: * tcTableAlias [character, optional] * := If empty, or not passed the table opened * in current workarea is used, otherwise * the table passed in gets selected and * will be used. * * tcDestination [character, optional] * := If parameter is empty/false: (because it * was not passed in) generated text will * be written to _CLIPTEXT [default]. If * parameter is empty: (but was passed in * !by reference!) generated text will * passed back in this parameter. * If parameter is NOT empty: generated * text will be written to a file (with * the filename passed in as a string). * * Returns: * llok [boolean] * If TRUE is returned everything went right. * If any error occurred FALSE will be returned. * * Comments: * another (shorter/manual) way capturing table * structure goes like this: * 1.) SELECT <workarea> && table that should be * documented * 2.) COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED TO <tempDBFname> * 3.) USE <tempDBFname> IN 0 * 4.) _VFP.DataToClip("<tempDBFname>",,3) * 5.) USE IN <tempDBFname> * 6.) ERASE <tempDBFname>.* * ******************************************************* * LOCAL laFields[1,16], lnFields, laIndices[1,6],; lnIndices, lnSelected, lnLoop, lnHit, lnBytes,; llOK STORE "" TO laFields, laIndices STORE 0 TO lnFields, lnSelected, lnLoop, lnIndices,; lnHit STORE 1 TO lnBytes STORE .F. TO llOK *\\ IF VARTYPE(tcTableAlias) == "C" tcTableAlias = UPPER(ALLTRIM(tcTableAlias)) ELSE tcTableAlias = ALIAS() ENDIF *// *\\ prepare for clipboard output _PRETEXT = "" SET TEXTMERGE ON NOSHOW *\\ check where to send the textmerge output to IF VARTYPE(tcDestination) == "C" IF EMPTY(tcDestination) *\\ output to variable passed by reference SET TEXTMERGE TO MEMVAR tcDestination ELSE *\\ output to text file with the given filename SET TEXTMERGE TO (ALLTRIM(tcDestination)) ENDIF ELSE *\\ send output to windows clipboard by default SET TEXTMERGE TO MEMVAR _CLIPTEXT ENDIF *// IF NOT EMPTY(tcTableAlias) *\\ open table / select workarea m.lnSelected = SELECT(0) IF NOT USED(tcTableAlias) SELECT 0 USE (LOCFILE(tcTableAlias) AGAIN ; ALIAS (tcTableAlias) SHARED ELSE SELECT (tcTableAlias) ENDIF IF ALIAS() == tcTableAlias *\\ * --------------------------------------- *// Output: table header information: \Table structure: <<DBF()>> \Records: <<TRANSFORM(RECCOUNT())>> \Last Update: <<TRANSFORM(LUPDATE())>> IF NOT SYS(2012) == "0" \Block size of Memo file: <<SYS(2012)>> ENDIF \Codepage: <<TRANSFORM(CPDBF())>> * Every word in next line is separated by TAB [CHR(9)] \No FldName Typ W D Idx Ord Nul NoCpTrans *\\ --------------------------------------- *\\ List fields *\\ Note: Not all available attributs *\\ (<laFields> array has 16 columns!) *\\ are processed here m.lnFields = AFIELDS(laFields) IF m.lnFields > 0 *\\ retrieve index information m.lnIndices = ATAGINFO(laIndices) *\\ --------------------------------------- *\\ process all fields in the structure *\\ and create a tab delimited output: FOR m.lnLoop = 1 TO m.lnFields \<<TRANSFORM(m.lnloop)>> \\<<CHR(9) + laFields[m.lnLoop,1]>> \\<<CHR(9) + laFields[m.lnLoop,2]>> \\<<CHR(9) + TRANSFORM(laFields[m.lnLoop,3])>> \\<<CHR(9) + TRANSFORM(laFields[m.lnLoop,4])>> *\\ *\\ m.lnHit holds a <row_number> OR <0> m.lnHit = ASCAN(laIndices,laFields[m.lnLoop,1],-1,-1,3,15) IF m.lnHit > 0 *\\ write out index type and sort order \\<<CHR(9) + ALLTRIM(laIndices[m.lnHit, 2])>> \\<<CHR(9) + ALLTRIM(laIndices[m.lnHit, 5])>> ELSE *\\ just fill up with "-" if there is no index tag \\<<CHR(9) + "-">> \\<<CHR(9) + "-">> ENDIF \\<<CHR(9)+TRANSFORM(laFields[m.lnLoop,5])>> \\<<CHR(9)+TRANSFORM(laFields[m.lnLoop,6])>> *\\ *\\ count the bytes for record size total: m.lnBytes = m.lnBytes + laFields[m.lnLoop,3] NEXT *\\ set flag for success llOK = .T. * --------------------------------------- ELSE *\\ Oups - no fields found! Structure is invalid. \** Error: Requested table structure is invalid ** m.lnBytes = 0 ENDIF *\\ --------------------------------------- *\\ Output: table footer information: \** Total ** <<TRANSFORM(m.lnBytes)>> *\\ --------------------------------------- ELSE *\\ Table couldn't be opened! \** Error: Table couldn't be opened! ** ENDIF SELECT (m.lnSelected) ELSE *\\ No alias passed + empty current workarea \** Error: No alias ** ENDIF * SET TEXTMERGE TO SET TEXTMERGE OFF * RETURN m.llOK
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