Latest News
This section of my VFP Blog gets filled at random times and with random content.
One could say, this is the remaining most blog-like part of my VFP Blog.
Most of the entries will be dealing with what I’ve added to the other sections of my blog lately. Thus, it seems to be a good idea to always check The News first…
Tuesday, September 27th, 2017
More Than Two Years Have Passed by…
… there is no doubt, I’ve seen better ones. But, and that’s good enough for me, I’m still alive and, even better, I am still creating VisualFoxpro programs, at least sometimes:-) So guys, if you belong to the die-hard VisualFoxpro enthusiasts, just like me, be my guests: "Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends ~ Ladies and Gentlemen..."
Saturday, January 24th, 2015
Important Note
I’m just in the middle of restructuring my domains. I dropped some of them and moved some others from all over the place to one single provider. Now, it is easier for me to handle them. You know, a single provider means: one place to go for all tasks, which is nice. Although I prepared the task pretty well, alas, I forgot to backup my Foxpro files referenced from within this blog. This morning it was too late to do that. My German web-space was dropped dead. It was a really small web-space just holding some images and files and: I do have a local copy of all files missing at the moment! But, it will take me some time to upload them all up again… In the meanwhile, there will be no downloads available on my entire VFP-blog, which I’m awfully sorry for!
I’m going to port this whole blog space to my German site. Don’t panic it will still be written in English! :-)
Finally, this blog-space will only hold the latest news, the headlines of what I recently added to my German FoxQuill site. It will become a kind of referrer, a handle for those who came and still come here to read the latest, and one fine day the last news about Visual FoxPro…
Stay tuned, I will be up and running in a few weeks.
Sunday, September 7th, 2014
Added "ADSs, Hard Links & Junctions" under WINAPI And VFP Internals section
This post is about Alternate Data Streams, Hard Links and Junctions (it's still under construction)
Sunday, September 7th, 2014
Added "Into The Void" under WINAPI And VFP Internals section
This post is about another "Unknown" – The .VOID.
Saturday, September 6th, 2014
Added "The Madlen Effect" under WINAPI And VFP Internals section
There is some almost unknown behavior that can be applied on any temporary VFP coursor. Madlen was the first VFP developer I know, who to dig that out! Exciting…
Saturday, September 6th, 2014
Added "The Scope Resolution Operator" under WINAPI And VFP Internals section
Using VFP's Scope Resolution Operator definitely is my least used method invocation strategy. Sounds familiar, right? Then, why is that so? Go and get the whole story…
Saturday, September 6th, 2014
Updated WINAPI And VFP Internals section
There are a lot of new topics there – I'm just busily working on that threads
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014
Updated Visual FoxPro – Toolbox section
Curious? Have a peek ;-)
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014
Restructured my Windows API blog section
I changed Windows API section to "WINAPI and VFP Internals" to hold more VFP-related contend. I didn't find the time to post some useful WINAPI examples anyway. This is an invitation to all VFP-Hackers: come in and have a look :-)
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014
Added "How to Jump Over the Hidden Hurdle"
This is a detailed examination of VFP's Scope Resolution Operator behavior, and what can be done with it beside invocation of some parent class behavior…
Monday, September 1st, 2014
Added VFP's BASICS (Part 3)
This is the entry point into a set of more general discussions like Multiple Inheritance, AOP, Multitasking, Design-b-Contract, and so on
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Added VFP's BASICS (Part 2)
Go and get your own copy of one of the most fundamental definite book about OOP here
Thursday, July 23, 2014, 19:25:00
Started "VFPX – FoxUnit"
Lets get involved in VFP-based Unit-Testing. I will publish this series of posts under my VFPX Projects section, because of the FoxUnit project which is maintained by the VFPX Community today. Unit-Testing is only one aspect of an overall testing approach which should encompass Integration- and Acceptance-Testing as well. Go and get a first overview here
Friday, March 28, 2014, 15:36:00
Started "Dynamic Declarations and Value Assignments"
I must admit, the title of this post is a little bit misleading. Primarily, I only wanted to write about the bad habit of using VFP's Macro Substitutions over and over again instead of utilizing faster native commands. But in this context, there still is more to talk about. Thus, I started a more generally blog post dealing with any kind of native optimization, where 'native' means replacing a slow VFP command with another, faster one. I'm looking for your comments an additions! See you there!
Friday, March 28, 2014, 03:25:00
Added "Write protection for Properties"
It took me a long way to find my favorite implementation for read-only properties in VFP. It had to be a fast one; it had to be a solid one (taking my forgetfulness into account); it had to be a generic one, and it had to support the concept of Friends Classes so that I could Unit test-drive my classes easily…
Thursday, March 27, 2014, 22:23:00
Added some "good to know" facts about VFP's preprocessor
Can there be anything cool about include files, #DEFINE statements and the way how VFP's preprocessor heckles them? I think so! Go an form an opinion about it yourself
Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 10:45:00
Added a neat solution – A ProjectHook "On Steroids"
Create a VCX ClassLib and code it in under 5 minutes - enjoy all day long
Saturday, March 8, 2014, 00:10:10
Started publishing my FoxQuill Framework
Bon Appétit!
Saturday, March 1, 2014, 00:05:00
Updated my Basics
There is new content at the end of my VFP's BASICS(Part 1) document. I finally added my rules #19 to #21 there. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 10, 2014, 16:05:00
>> Fast Forward >>
Wow, this is awesome! More than two years passed by without giving me enough spare time to write some lines like these! Today is my 55th anniversary. I’m still looking forward to finally complete some of my “never ending stories” here. Therefor, I will reactivate one of my older VFP sites (one will be, because it seems easier to write and publish longer essays like I do via some dedicated internet site than to use this Google blog like I did in the past. I will only use this blog to announce new additions and updates I’ve made on my FoxQuill site.
Wednesday, August 30, 2011, 06:05:00
As time goes by…
I finished my C# course and passed the examine. Now, instead of starting using it, I’m facing a new challenge:
I need to set up some Apache-based internet sites (with cool interactivity)! Thus, I started learning (renewing) PHP and ALAX. I’m afraid, learning will never end :-)
I’m still working on my VFP TreeView (but not spending too much time on it at the moment). At least I will make a download link available.
I’m going to add more chapters to my FoxTools reference in the future as well as to my OOP-basics chapters, and: I have written an new exhaustive post about cool and unknown(!) EVENTBINDING features!
Finally, I’m afraid, I have to stop posting long “articles” here on this blog because of missing free time. Creating new VFP blog entries using my current blogger template is too time-consuming. I will reset this VFP blog to one of the common/regular layouts, so I can publish my future VFP-related latest news here in minutes, not in hours.
I won’t drop my VFP-related activities completely – never ever! But there will be another platform for my activities (watch out on
Monday, July 18, 2011, 13:00:00
Some of you found all my download links broken last days. This was caused by a high jacking attack on my CMSystem I was running on my website. I missed an important maintenance upgrade and found my CMS site cracked short time later. So, take my advice and never miss any CMS upgrades! I deleted my CMS test-drive installation (containing my blogger-resources as well). Thus, sorry for going offline for some days, now you should be able to download again.
Monday, May 02, 2011, 24:00:00
Another step towards the final release of my native TreeView: I added the first part of hierarchical indexing
Let me introduce to you *Bruno* – my RR
Friday, April 29, 2011, 22:25:00
Finally I found some time to start filling some old gaps; I added a first entry under the VFPX projects section
Next, I restructured my FoxQuill framework section because I am going to post new entries there ASAP.
Last but not least, my native TreeView story develops further. There are only two or three post left to describe some needed background.
Monday, April 25, 2011, 23:45:00
As announced: I added a new entry under my “Tips & Tricks” section >>> LOADPICTURE() Function – Some Myths Revealed.
Started publishing some thoughts under my framework section “FoxQuill”, too.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 15:15:00
Added a new “How to…” under my Miscellaneous section.
Busily working on my final native VFP TreeView. See chapter 5 under my Complex Controls section.
Just going to release another very interesting entry under my Tips&Tricks section. Be prepared :-)
Monday, April 4, 2011, 23:35:00
Gosh, I started a C# learning course end of last year – 6 month intensive fulltime-training: 8 hours a day! Folks I can tell: many new classes and new concepts to learn but after a while one gets used to it. Especially the VS2010 IDE is cool! VFP’s code editor and class/form designers look a little bit shabby after some month working exclusively with VS2010. The only feature I still was missing in VS is VFP’s command window. But then I found a little something called FastSharpForm written by Matthew Manela (see below)
So, now I can hack in a simple line containing a C# expression or even a whole code block and click [run] – an Voilà! there it is, the result (or an error :-) Just like using VFP’s command window – well, almost. To be honest, still, there are missing a lot of well-known VFP features. But who knows, maybe Matthew will add some of them to his smart little helper in the future!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 23:22:00
Just “recovering” from the second removal within one year (the third within the last two years) - From now on the old saying: “Three removals are as bad as fire” makes much more sense!
After more than three month without any stable internet connection, it was good to see my VFP blog today filled with many comments waiting to be accepted/published. I am happy to see that there are many people still out there willing to read my writings.
At first glance, Visual FoxPro is getting closer to the binary nirvana year after year? (;-) Hold on! There is life in the old dog yet, and I am going to prove that pretty soon! Thus, stay tuned and be prepared…
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